
Sharing your Story

  • When you’re developing your stories, only you can play them.
  • If you want to share your story, you can grant review access to your Story Worlds friends.
  • It costs reviewers nothing to play your games. They can share and offer feedback on your work.
  • The reviewer limit depends on your level of StoryStylus membership. We have a limit so that people can create their own fan-fiction games, yet remain within boundaries of fair use.

Publishing your story

  • Once your story game is finished, you have the opportunity to submit your work for the Story Worlds marketplace.
  • We’ll review your story:
    • make sure everything is playable
    • check your spelling and grammar
    • confirm that your content is an original work or that you have the legal right to use your content (art, audio, etc)
  • Set the price of your work, and then click publish on the Story Info page.
    • We can help you with setting your price.
    • You can set the price to be zero, to promote your game.
    • But you have the final say on what your work is worth.
  • Once accepted, anyone will be able to purchase your game in the marketplace.
  • A percentage of that sales money is set aside as your royalties. Royalty amounts depend on several factors. For example, One More Story Games may assist in art development, beta testing, programming, etc, which lowers the royalty an author receives.
  • You can request those funds as per the publishing agreement terms, and we’ll transfer those royalties over to your Pay Pal account.
  • You can even republish your story if you want to make changes.
    • We re-review your game, and then overwrite the previous version in the marketplace.