
Writing & Game Creation

Media Files

• 400×500 recommended (headshot ratio 4:5)
• File size recommended: 50-75k

• 700×525 recommended (landscape ratio 4:3)
• File size recommended: 50-100k

Locations (typically shown as thumbnails, can be expanded)
• 700×525 recommended(landscape ratio 4:3)
• File size recommended: 50-100k

Maps & Point-of-View Maps

Overhead maps (top down maps of cities, countries, etc)
• LARGE MAPS recommended (Players can zoom in for more detail. 1000×1000 to 2000×2000 range)
• For example, Manhattan island map is around 4000×4000, allowing for greater detail
• File size recommended: 1-5 Megs

POV Map (Example includes the world navigation in Hard Vacuum Lullaby)
• 1920×1080 will be the upper end, suitable for widescreen computer monitor.
• Use a jpg with medium to high compression.
• File size recommended: 500k – 1 Meg

Sound files
• File size recommended:
SFX=50-200 k
Environment/Music= 5-10Megs (depending on length)

Freelance Game Designers, Editors, Artists


William Hiles – Facebook


Julia Harrison


Stock Photography and Audio Resources

Stock photography websites

Map creation websites
