Installing StoryStylus

One thing to know before you install StoryStylus is that we are in open beta. That means we’re working to add new features every week, giving you more options for creating your living, breathing, interactive story worlds. At this stage, we welcome early adopters with extra patience as we further refine the development process. Your feedback benefits everyone!

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If you don’t yet have a user account for Story Worlds, then you will need to sign-up and create one before you can log into Story Stylus. For more instructions on the sign-up process go here.

Running StoryStylus is pretty easy… just go to the StoryStylus web page in a Silverlight compatible internet browser (Firefox, or Internet Explorer). Then login using your Story Worlds account username and password, and create a new project.

If you want to use Firefox, then as of Version 52 (March 2017) you will need to run the Extended Support Release version. You can download it here.


Run StoryStylus

If you run StoryStylus out of a browser, then you can do everything except upload media to your project. To be able to upload media, you need to either install StoryStylus onto your computer, or run your browser with elevated permissions.

If you want to learn how to install StoryStylus with elevated permissions, then click here.

If you want to learn how to install or reinstall StoryStylus on your computer, then click here.